Vinícius Juliani Pereira
design researcher, M.Sc, PhD researcher
I’m currently a PhD researcher at the University of East Anglia, funded by a Horizon 2020 European Commission grant, under the program Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, as an Early-Stage Researcher in the GECKO project. I’m also a postgraduate member of the 3S (Science, Society and Sustainability) research group and an associate student at ARIES Doctoral Training Partnership.
I have a Master of Science degree, with a dissertation on Artificial Intelligence and design methods, at the University of Sao Paulo (2018-2020), where I have contributed to the research group Representation: Imaginary and Technology (RITe). RITe is a partner of the Centre de Recherches Internationales sur L'Imaginaire (CRI2i), and in my time with them, I co-funded the study group Experimental Reveries and Poietic Imagination (DEPi). My Bachelor's degree is in Architecture and Urban Design, at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2012-2016), with an initiation to academic research at the research group Theory and Project in the Digital Era (TPED). I have experience in digital fabrication, with an internship in the municipal network of FabLab Livre SP (2015) laboratories. Besides, I've worked as a digital fabrication technician at PortoFabLab, (2016-2019) – an atelier dedicated to art research and production using digital manufacturing means. I was a temporary lecturer of Digital Manufacturing and New Technologies for the bachelor's degree in Industrial Design and Fashion Design, at Instituto Europeo di Design/SP (2019). Between 2018 and 2021, I managed and worked as a designer at Elan, a multidisciplinary design initiative developing works that explore the potential of the intersection between digital technologies, graphic, and industrial design.

The world faces the effects of a climate emergency sponsored by the Global Minority’s desire to consume and accumulate. There has been a historical silence from creative industries on designers' role in infrastructure such unsustainable ways of living. Emergent technologies have only accelerated the urgency to act. As a designer and researcher, I’m interested in supporting people’s autonomy over digital technologies, using participatory practices to democratise design, while raising awareness through visual methodologies.